Friday, November 7, 2008

Rock Band 2's Drums...someone explain...

So apperently the new rockband drums have cymbols...

how do these work with the game...plz..someone explain this to me like I'm 2...I was told that the old drums will work with the new game..but if the new game has cymbols...I just don't get it..

but obviously we'll find out soon when I pick up rock band 2...

check out these flippin drums for it..WOOO

the Ion Drum Kit...

1 comment:

Chance Garcia said...

The cymbals map to the pads. Red cymbal to red pad, green cymbal to green pad, etc. You can hit either the pad or the cymbal in the game. The cymbals don't add any extra notes to the game, just a closer approximation to playing a real drum kit. That is how they're achieving backwards compatibility with the kits while adding value to the next iteration.

Does that answer satisfy your question?